Because, after all the proof of the pudding is in the eating
Once the decision where to go or what to do is made, it needs to be put in action. Whether it is setting up a New Department, implementing an Organisational Change or Launching a new Service or Product. Someone needs to manage these activities and ensure the desired outcome is achieved.
At Kazarma we believe that it all begins with establishing a clear vision on the objectives that need to be achieved, which KPI's will be used to measure progress and in which timeline. This will be discussed and documented in a clear project charter. This will serve as a guideline, avoiding one of the main reasons why projects and programs are overrunning in time and cost: scope-creep.
If changes are needed along the way, this is something that will be mutually agreed and documented in an updated version. It ensures that both client and consultant at any time know what is the assignment.